Who we are

Please pray for the team going to Ghana - Chrissy Jenkins, Adam Hill, Tim Wilkins, Daniel Reyes, and Kevin Nguyen. Read each of their stories below!


Chrissy May Jenkins

Age: 20
Education: Junior at California Baptist University; Graphic Design
Ministry Focus/ Dreams: Discipleship/continue to learn how to serve and love God and others more effectively and more genuinely, continue to strive to be a more accurate depiction of Christ to others around me in everyday life 

I just met Pastor Sam this past year and I am looking forward to working with him and the church overseas in Ghana. I have always had a passion for serving, but at first I was not open to the idea of going overseas. I am grateful that God has opened my heart to this amazing opportunity. I know God has opened this door to show me His incredible provision. I also know God has a lot more up His sleeve and I look forward to the work that He is doing and will continue to do. 

Adam Derrick Hill

Age: 18
Education: Freshman at California Baptist University
Ministry Focus: Family
Ministry Dreams: Partner alongside families to further strengthen or establish spiritual guidelines within each individual, i.e. familial roles and duties of each person.

Serving has become my focus after my mom battled breast cancer in my junior year of high school. I never fully cared to serve anyone the LORD placed before me or serve others with my life unless I could reap some benefit. That was all changed and now I know that serving with everything that God calls me is more beneficial than anything that can be gained monetarily.

This will be my first experience with overseas missions, but not my first in serving with the community, and I welcome the challenges that lie ahead. With the LORD guiding my footsteps, I know that this experience will deepen my passion for serving the One who allows me to do so.

Kevin Nguyen
Age: 32
Education: BS, MA, Biola University, Ed.D. 2011 
Job: Consulting
Ministry Focus: Pastoral Leadership
Ministry Dreams: 

Sam Twumasi is my brotha' from Ghana.  I met him in our first class of doctoral studies at Biola University.  Ever since then, we have become close friends and partners in the same cause for kingdom growth.  Africa was a distant thought as a possible option for mission trips, but my friend has opened my eyes to the possibilities of being in an new and uncomfortable context.  Through our time together, I have been immersed in the culture vicariously through my brother.  Why wouldn't I take this opportunity to give my talents and help him further his dream for God's Kingdom? Tell me where to go and I will do it: teach, preach, dig water wells, play with kids, help leaders, start churches. Here I am, send me!

Daniel Reyes

Age: 21

Education: Sophomore at MtSac

Ministry focus: Friends and family

Ministry Dreams: To be a Christian influence to those around me

This time last year I never would have thought I would be on my way to serving those less fortunate all the way in Africa. I decided on going because I want to go outside of my comfort zone in order to realize what ways God can use me;  to escape the daily grind of American self-sufficiency and pride. I also want to rely on God for my needs rather than by my own hands. I hope to be changed for the better.